
A great success - the first graduates of our school in Mabala Featured
22 Déc 2022

A great success - the first graduates of our school in Mabala

For this school year, we have enrolled 287 students, 194 boys and 93 girls in grades 7 to 12. At the end of this school year, the first 26 students will be able to take their final exams! Our school is rated second of all the schools around Nioki, a city with 60.000 inhabitants. This is a major accomplishment and shows that our teachers are doing a great job!

  Kinshasa se développe à tous les coins et recoins, car les fugitifs s’installent là-bas et espèrent une vie meilleure. Ainsi, les problèmes se développent en ville!

Contrer l'urbanisation - Aide pour les villages


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